Metadaten: Postscript to a paper on compound colours, and on the relations of the colours of the spectrum (abstract) (10)
- Katalog ID:
- lit27713
- Titel:
- Postscript to a paper on compound colours, and on the relations of the colours of the spectrum (abstract)
- Zeitschrift:
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
- Erscheinungsjahr:
- 1859-1860
- Genre:
- Journal Article
- Bandnummer:
- 10
- Importdatum:
- 19.10.2018
- Sammlung:
- Virtuelles Labor
- Startseite:
- 484
- Seiten:
- 484-486
- Bevorzugte Zitation:
- Maxwell, James Clark. 1859-1860. Postscript to a paper on compound colours, and on the relations of the colours of the spectrum (abstract). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 10: 484-486