Volltext: The Psychological Laboratory of Ohio State University (10)

and child behavior; the acquisition and nature of language; 
learning, thinking, inhibition, etc. This tendency places 
more stress on the theoretical and systematic principles 
underlying psychology. 
In general the research students are expected to do much 
of the manual work on their apparatus. This training is 
regarded as essential, especially for those preparing to teach 
psychology. After the student has worked out the pre¬ 
liminary apparatus, it is redesigned in consultation with his 
advisor and the technician and a more permanent and 
workmanlike apparatus is made. 
The Comparative Laboratory is located in Room 407. It 
has a cement floor which may be flushed with a hose and is 
equipped with a large lead-lined sink. Room 405 is used as 
a special experimental room for animals. Room 402 is 
partly sound-proof. It has double doors and for any experi¬ 
ment requiring the complete absence of sound another room 
may be built inside it. Room 414A is the photometric room, 
long and narrow with light-trap doors. 
2. Division of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology 
This division occupies ten rooms on the third floor east, 
and comprises the psychological clinic for normal and ab¬ 
normal children of all ages and for adults, the student consul¬ 
tation service and the instructional work. Room 303 is a 
waiting-room for those who bring cases to the clinic, and an 
appointment office with telephone. Rooms 304A and 305 
are used as office and for private consultation. The laboratory 
is located in Room 304 and serves as a small class room. It 
has work tables and equipment for vocational guidance and 
personality analysis, as well as for research and training in 
clinical procedure. The apparatus consists of standard and 
special test sets, spirometers, scales, stadiometer, psychometer, 
micro-projector, reflecting lantern, microsco'pe, etc. There 
are cases for periodicals, books, test blanks, and records, and 
for general filing. 
Rooms 315, 316, 317, 318, 319 are furnished and equipped 
for individual examinations in the clinic and for laboratory


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