with a broad wooden platform for photography. Near the
platform is an electric outlet for a motor or lamp.
Library.—The combined library and seminary room is on
the first floor directly under the work-room and is of the same
size as the latter. Steel stacks from the Library Bureau,
with shelves for 6,000 volumes, occupy half the room. On
the other half of the room there are one long and two smaller
tables for reading and seminary work. The magazine rack
which holds about forty journals occupies one wall.
Apparatus Rooms.—There are three rooms constructed
especially for apparatus. The one in the basement is ap¬
proximately 12 ft x 13 ft. Like all the rooms in the basement
except the dark room and sound-proof room, it receives light
from windows opening into an areaway. It has cases running
along one side wall and several shelves against the other wall.
The room on the first floor is 12 ft square and has specially
built cases with sliding doors which line two of the walls.
The second floor room, which is next to the large lecture room,
is 6 ft x 9 ft exclusive of the bay window. There is one case
similar to those on the first floor. By means of a hand
elevator instruments may be transferred from one apparatus
room to the other and to the large lecture room.
Preparation Room.—On the second floor on the opposite
aide of the corridor from the instrument room is a room 6 ft
x 9 ft which is meant for a preparation room in conjunction
with the lecture room. It has a soapstone sink with hot and
cold water. It can also be used for research purposes if so
Lecture Rooms.—There are two lecture rooms. The
larger one, 19 ft x 32 ft 9 in, is on the second floor at the other
end of the building from the work room. It contains seats
for 150 students. The floor rises toward the rear so that the
heads of the students on the last row are on a level with the
head of the lecturer. The smaller room which is on the first
floor next to the physiological psychology room is 12 ft 4 in
x 19 ft and has seats for 40 students. Lecture desks in both
rooms are supplied with gas, compressed air, and direct and
alternating current. The desk in the smaller room has an