Volltext: Princeton Psychological Laboratory (9)

Research Rooms.—The principle followed in the arrange¬ 
ment of the research rooms was to have a large number of 
small rooms which could be used either for individual research, 
for undergraduate training courses, or for offices. These 
rooms are therefore all approximately of the same size and 
have the same arrangement for electric current, gas, etc. 
They are on the first and second floors and on both sides of 
the corridors, which run almost the length of the building 
and are slightly off center in order to allow for larger rooms 
on the south side. There are twenty of these rooms, the 
ones on the south side being 9 ft x 14 ft. Six of the rooms 
have bay windows which give them several additional feet. 
All of the rooms have doors with ground-glass panels leading 
into the corridors and four of the rooms have a second solid 
door to keep out light and sound. There is also a door be¬ 
tween adjacent rooms, so that they can be arranged in suites 
if desired. The longest row of communicating rooms is on 
the south side of the second floor and consists of six rooms. 
On the first floor four rooms can be thrown together and these 
rooms are generally used for undergraduate instruction and 
research. There are also suites of three rooms. In each 
room there are three outlets for direct current on each side 
wall, and one outlet for alternating current, and also three 
‘dead’ sockets on each side wall for communication between 
rooms. In addition there are in each room outlets for gas 
and compressed air, and two wooden instrument rails around 
three sides of the room to which apparatus can be attached. 
The rails are either bolted to a similar rail on the opposite 
side of the wall or screwed into expansion plugs. The lower 
rail is 3 in wide and 40 in from the floor. The upper rail is 4 in 
wide and 3 in below the ceiling. The latter rail can also be 
used as a picture molding. Ten of the rooms are provided 
with a work bench, which is built over the radiator beneath 
the windows and extends the width of the room. 
Dark Room.—There is a dark room on each floor. All 
are provided with outlets for electricity, gas and air, and 
instrument rails, as the other research rooms are. They have 
also a soapstone (Alberene) sink and hot and cold water.


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