Charles H. Judd.
may be summed up briefly in the statement that in ordinary writing
the fine formative movements are executed by the hand or arm; and
the pauses between groups of letters are utilized for longer forward
arm movements, and for hand movements which bring the hand back
into an easy working position.
It was mentioned in an earlier paragraph that certain of the
subjects of this experiment showed in their results that embarrassment
resulted from the unusual weight of the apparatus attached to the
hand. The indications of embarrassment appeared in the fact that
subjects whose records later developed into the type represented
in figures 2 and 4, began with records of the type represented in
figure 3. In other words, the freedom of the hand movement was
decidedly interfered with at first in such cases, the writing being
done almost entirely by the fingers, with corresponding long forward
arm movements in
the interval between
Fig. 5.
* 5 M 6 t 1 the writing of the
' . I t
I * 3 M b fcl
Another series of
experiments which
should be mentioned
in this connection
was tried for the purpose of discovering how differences in the
character of the demand made upon the subject modified the charac¬
ter of the movements. A subject was required to make a record of
a free upward and downward movement such as that represented on
the left of figure 5. In this first experiment no restrictions what¬
soever were placed upon the subject, he was allowed to make each
line in the freest possible manner. The corresponding tracer record
is given on the right of the same figure. The presence of some finger
movements appears in the lack of sharply defined angles in the tracer
record. The tracer record shows, however, by its general form and
slope that it is due very largely to free arm movements which carried
the whole hand over the same path as that traversed by the writing
pen. The figure which the subject had prepared in this first free
construction was then set for imitation, and in order that the imi¬
tation might be exact the extremities of each of the upward and