Volltext: Discrimination of Shades of Gray for Different Intervals of Time (19)

Frank Angell. 
regard to the exact meaning of the notes. In experiments of this 
kind with more or less long and monotonous intervals, the writer 
feels that one cannot be too careful in the matter of suggestion. 
The immediate object of the experiment is the greatest possible 
accuracy in discrimination under certain experimental conditions, and 
the mediate and final object, the determination of the factors entering 
into such discriminating judgments. When, however, the reagents 
feel that mediately and immediately the introspective data are the 
main object of experimentation, then one is apt to become aware of 
a throng of subjective processes which may well be absent in the 
normal and usual discriminative judgments. It is only in this way 
that the writer can explain the great number and variety of intro¬ 
spective details recorded, in late work on memory images for clangs 
sounds and colors. In the careful investigation of G. R. Whipple 
on the Memory Image for Clangs, for example (Amer. Joum. of Psych. 
XII, No. 4(, there was set up before the reagents a placard indicat¬ 
ing no less than 11 categories of introspection — some of them with 
several sub-heads — as a constant »memento introspicere« during 
the course of experimentation. In the present investigation, though 
especial stress was laid on introspection, the introspective results, 
even with so trained and careful an observer as Ke are meagre when 
compared with those of the above research. 
The time of exposure of the norm was at first, 3 sec., but as the 
reagents found that the disc changed perceptibly in shade during this 
period, the exposure time was shortened to 2 sec. 
Combining all the judgments of both time orders for each reagent 
with reference to the conditions of A and a, we get the figures of 
table I. Owing to unforeseen interruptions the work was not earned 
out to the extent originally planned. The 15 second interval with 
forced attention was omitted altogether, and the number of judgments 
for each interval was hardly enough to justify a comparison of them 
with regard to time order. Under u (undecided) have been placed 
not only genuinely doubtful but »double« judgments, as for example, 
a judgment darker followed by like.


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