Frank Angell.
It therefore seems probable that running along with and playing into
the contiguous associations before noted the factor of free judgments
helps to make these discriminations independent of the time interval.
Chronometrie Experiments and Like Cases.
Everyone who has served as reagent or experimentor has noticed
the marked difference in the quickness of delivering discriminative
judgments. It has been commonly noted that »sure« judgments were
the shortest and doubtful judgments the longest. The place taken
by like judgments has not been commonly known, though in making-
up averages they have been often classed with doubtful judgments.
At any rate, the writer thought that a knowledge of the time rela¬
tions of the several kinds of judgment might throw some light on
the processes of formation.
Accordingly an apparatus was arranged for recording the time
of judgments. Around a pair of horizontal drums, placed about 1,5 m
apart, there ran a belt of 3,5 m of the ordinary glazed kymograph
paper. This belt could be conveniently smoked by a broad wicked
flat-iron lamp placed beneath the lower layer of paper. Motion was
given by clock-work connected with one drum. The recording appa¬
ratus consisted of a triple time marker connected with telegraph
keys screwed to the reagents’ chairs, and with the roller curtain in
front of the disc. Time was marked by an electrically driven spring
rod marking l/i6 sec. When the lower edge of the swiftly rising
curtain reached the upper edge of the disc it tripped a lever connected
with a Pfeil time-marker, and the reagents then registered »judgment
reaction time« by pressing the key. Of course this took place only
with the comparison disc. It must be said that this arrangement
made no small demand on the dexterity of the experimentor: — to
let up and pull down the curtain, to set the reading of the color-
mixer, adjust the second disc of the D’n experiment, to raise and
lower the curtain for the simultaneous judgment, to re — set the
color-mixer for the main comparison, to turn down the lever
and set the vibrating spring and drums in motion, and finally to
raise and lower the curtain — all done quietly and without inter¬
ruption at stated intervals given by metronome beats, calls for no