of an intensity of 100. In No. 17 A, B and C the intensity employed
was 50. The rates per second employed were as follows :
For 17 A 2 interruptions.
17 B 21
» x t JJ "2 »
„ 17 G, a 5 „
» 17(7,6 7*
The critical point is situated at 17 B ; every increase in the
frequency of the shocks above that point is accompanied by an increase
of the contracting and a lessening of the dilating effects, until con¬
traction alone is obtained.
No. 14 exhibits the effects of variation of the third factor, the
duration of the stimulus. The nerve had been cut nine days. Tetanic
irritation of the same intensity was used for each stimulation. The
duration of the stimulus varied from \ a second to SO seconds. The
longer the duration, the greater the contraction. After the shorter
durations (£", 1", 3",) a dilatation follows the contraction.
No. 15 shows contrasted effects produced by different kinds of
stimulation. The effect at a was due to two induction shocks in a
second, having an intensity of 100 ; 6, c and d are the effects of tetanic
irritation of variable intensity. The critical point for the last three is
placed at d.
Double tracings obtained simultaneously from both legs of the frog
show that the effects of irritating the peripheral end of the cut sciatic
of one leg are local and are not due to any effect upon the heart.
This is also proved in a more conclusive manner by the experiments
that we have performed in which tracings of the heart were obtained
with those of the legs.
The number of plethysmographic tracings that have been taken
in this series of experiments is very great. Many frogs were used.
Those which gave the best results were lai'ge specimens of our native
bull-frog (rana pipiens). A large share of the observations were made
in the winter ; some were made in the autumn and spring.
The results of our experiments point to the existence of a vaso¬
dilator as well as a vaso-constrictor mechanism in the frog. The
vaso-motor mechanism is not so active in cold blooded animals as
in warm, and therefore we are not surprised that we obtain dilatation in