Volltext: The Works of Robert Whytt

Experiments Jhering the change made on lime -water by boiling, and 
being expofed to the open air ; with further obfervations on its nature 
and ufe in federal difeafes. 
HA VIN G in the above feeftions made a variety of experiments 
with lime-water upon different fubftances, it feemed proper 
next to try what alteration would happen to it from boiling, or ex- 
pofing it to the open air, and to inquire wherein its virtue confifts. 
56. Twelve ounces of lime-water being boiled pretty quickly 
into four, had loft fome of its virtue ; for whereas, before boiling, 
a blackifh colour was produced by two parts of it to one of claret, 
now it required near two and a half. Nay, Dr Langrifh tells us, that 
upon diftilling a pint of lime-water from two quarts, he found 
both the diliilled water in the receiver, and what remained in the 
retort, impaired in their virtues 
Th e vapour that arifes from hot water during its ebullition with 
quick-lime, is only an infipid and inodorous water, quite deftitutc 
of the virtues of lime f. 
57. If a bottle be filled with lime-water, and clofely ftopt, it will 
keep for a long time, without fuffering the leaf! change, or lofing 
any of its virtues : but, having expofed four ounces of it in an o- 
pen veffel, it began very foon to throw up a feum, and let fall 
fome fediment of the fame nature ; in three days it had loft much 
of its tafte, and ceafed to turn claret blackiih ; and in five days, 
when the tafte of the lime was almoft quite gone, it neither chan¬ 
ged the colour of fyrup of violets, nor had any effedt in diffolving 
the ftone. And this happens equally foon, when placed in the cold 
air, as in a moderate heat : but depends a great deal upon the narrow- 
nefs or widenefs of the veffel : for it will be found, that the time 
* Phyfical Experiments on brutes, p. 13. 15. and 16 
t Langriflx’s Phyfical experiments on brutes, p. 13, and 14.


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