Volltext: The Works of Robert Whytt

Experiments ’with lime-water and feveral medicines. 
46. T TAVING diflolved tartarfolubilis, drach. i. In lime-water, 
A J une. i. Jem. I put in it a pièce of B, four grains, which, 
though kept in warm digeflion five days and a half, had not loft 
any thing of its weight, but was become fomewhat more friable. 
47. In a folution of a drachm of nitre in an ounce and a half of 
oifter lime-water, I put a piece of the fame calculus of four grains, 
which, in five days and twelve hours, had near one grain of its fub- 
fiance diflolved., 
48. Having immerfed a fragment of B, feven grains, in oifter 
lime-water, une. ni./al xathart. amar. drach. i. ; after near four days 
warm digeflion, the calculus had fcarcely loft any^f its weight, but 
its external furface was fofter, and fomewhat rotten. 
49. At the fame time I put a piece of B, fix grains, in oifter-lime, 
une. ii. in which was diflolved fal Glauber, ferup. ii. ; after being kept 
near four days in a moderate heat, its furface was rather more rot¬ 
ten than the calculus in the laft experiment ; but it had loft none of 
its weight. 
50. A piece of B, fix grains, by digefting warm in oifter lime- 
water, une. iii. fea-falt, drach. i. betwixt three and four days, had a 
grain of its weight diflolved. 
LiMi:-water does not remarkably diflolve moll of the above 
faits, for the greateft part of them, after {landing a little, falls to 
the bottom; upon which account I kept the calculus in thefe expe¬ 
riments fufpended in the middle of the phial by a thread. 
Hence we fee, that faits, even thofe of the neutral kind, deftroy 
confiderably the virtue of lime-water. 
51. I put a piece of B, four grains, in a folution of feven grains 
of aloes, in oifter lime-water, une. ii.; which, by thirty-fix hours 
warm digeflion, was reduced to about three grains. 
52. I


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