Artichokes feem to deftroy the virtue of lime-water a little
more than afparagus.
40. A piece of B, nine grains, by digefting warm, four days, in
one ounce of a decodion of turnip, and two ounces of oilier lime-
water, loll more than a grain.
41. A fragment of B, three grains, being put into a mixture of a
decodion of parfly and lime-water, in the above proportion, in-
three days warm digeftion was reduced to one and on fourth grainr
having thrown off the reft in whitifh fcales.
42. In an ounce of deeodion of onions, and two ounces of oifter
lime-water, a piece of B,. of feven grains, loft, by thirty-fix hours-
warm digeftion, one grain,
43* Juic £_of lettuce mixed with lime-water deftroys its virtue ra¬
ther more than any of the above..
44* ^ fragment of B, nine grains,^ in one ounce of a ftrong de¬
eodion of althea root, and two ounces of oifter lime-water, had, by
two days and eighteen hours warm digeftion, about a grain of its>
fubftance diffolved, and a good part of the reft rotten and friable,
4s- I- puc a piece of B, fourteen grains, into oifter lime-water, in
which fome juniper berries had been infufed ; which, in two days
and a half, had above two grains diflolved.
Green and Bahea tea infufed in the fame manner do not conft-
derably deftroy the virtue of lime-water.
I might have tried the effect of a great many more vegetable fub-
ftances upon lime-water, had I not been afraid of fwelling this effay
to too great a bulk ; but, from thefe few experiments, it is probable
that moll of the following vegetables may be fafely ufed by fuch as
drink lime-water, mz. artichokes, afparagus, fpinnach, lettuce, fuc-
cory parfly, purflane, onions, leeks, cellary, turnip, carrot, potatoes,
radiihes, g.reen peafe
-Lb Kj x ,
* The juices and décodions of onions, léeks and cellars , ,
ab.c power of diffo.ving the (öfter kind of gravehltol, *° ^*
red to moll other vegetables for the diet of cflculous perfJas vidTÎl l °“f '?
andRutij-s experiments on Mrs Stephens .median^. * 3“SSutlcls' *• >