C. E. Seashore.
terms of each other, for on this theory we may add the illusion of A to the
illusion of B and take the sum of these as the expression of the illusion of
either A or B in terms of the other. Thus
JA B-{K+K')
and ^=^5+*!).
The error involved by substituting the actual figures is 5% for the first
equation and 7 % for the second. Although these are extreme cases the
error of the substitution is no greater than that found when the mean, C,
was used as a standard. Therefore, within obvious limits, we are justified
in choosing the standard of any convenient size in measurements like
Just as no one now claims an exact mathematical conformity for
Weber’s law in any sense, we must construe the above formula liberally.
There may be some more determinable factors that must be taken into
it ; we can never hope to determine and control all such factors. Judg¬
ments as to the validity of the law have heretofore been made largely upon
experiments that involved the illusion here discussed, or similar ones, and
the variations caused by them have been counted as discrepancies in the
law. The above data at least justify us in assuming this relation of Weber’s
law to illusions as a working hypothesis. It promises not only the same
degree of comformity as the law has had on the old theory, but also an
extension of it both in the degree of conformity and the range of its ap¬