Volltext: Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development

Index 261 
Talbot Fox, 183 
Talmud, frequency of the different 
numerals in, 104, 105 
■ Tameness, learned when young, 153 ; tame 
cattle preserved to breed from, 193 
Tastes, changes in, 130 
Terror at snakes, 40; at blood, 41; is 
easily taught, 153 
Test oojects, weights, etc., 23, 248 
Time and space, 196 
Town and country population, 14, 241 
Trousseau, Dr., 163 
Turner, the painter, 124 
Twins, the history of, 153 
Typical centre, 198 
Tyranny, 54 
Ulloa, 177 
Unclean, the, and the clean, 154 
Unconsciousness op Peculiarities, 
31 ; in visionaries, 113 
Variety of Human Nature, 2 
Visionaries, 112 ; visionary families and 
races, 69, 70, 125, 148 
Watches, magnetised, 151 
Welch, Mrs. Kempe, 106 
West Indies, change of population in, 206 
Wheel and barrel, 16 
Whistles for Audibility of Shrill 
Notes, 26, 252 
Wildness taught young, 153 
Wilkes, Capt., 181 
Winchester College, 92, 93 
Wollaston, Dr., 26 
Wolves, children suckled by, 191 
Women, relative sensitivity of, 20, 21 ; 
coyness and caprice, 39 ; visualising 
faculty, 69 
Woodfield, Mr. (Australia), 180 
Words, visualised pictures associated 
with, 113 
Workers, solitary, 18 
Young, Dr., 33 
Yule, Colonel, 82, 93 
Zebras, hard to tame, 186 
Zoological Gardens, whistles tried at, 
27 ; snakes fed, 40 ; seal at, 121, 122 
Zukertort, Mr., 67


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