qf Caricature and
the illuminations of mauufcripts, and in other objects of art. The popular
feeling againft the clergy was itrong in the middle ages, and no caricature
was received with more favour than thofe which expofed the immorality
or diihonelty of a monk or a prieft. Our cut No. 45 is taken from a
fculpture in the church bf Chriftchurch, in
Hampihire, for the drawing of which I am
indebted to my friend, Mr. Llewellynn
Jewitt. It reprefents Reynard in the pulpit
preaching; behind, or rather perhaps beflde
Xi him, a diminutive cock Itands upon a {tool
-in modern times We fhould be inclined
(9 imp to fay he was acting as clerk. Reynard's
1" A collume confifis merely of the eccleflaltical
J hood or cowl. Such fubjeets are frequently
K M I, Q iql found on the carved feats, or mifereres, in
[Iv the ftalls of the old cathedrals and collegiate
4 churches. The painted glafs of the great
window of the north crofs-aifle of St. Martin's
45;" church in Leiceiter, which was deftroyed in
Nth 45_ The Fax in Me Pawn the laft century, reprefented the fox, in the
character of an ecclefiaitic, preaching to a
congregation of geefe, and addrefiing them in the words--Tcgjiis qfi mihi
Deus, guam cupiam. vos omnes vifceribus meis (God is Witnefs. how I
defire you all in my bowels), a parody on the words of the New
Tefiamentfi Our cut No. 4.6 is taken from one of the mifereres in the
church of St. Mary, at Beverley, in Yorklhire. Two foxes are reprefented
in the difguife of ecclefiaitics, each furniihed with a paftoral Hail, and
they appear to be receiving inltructions from a prelate or perfonage of
rank-perhaps they are undertaking a pilgrimage of penance. But their
flncerity is rendered fomewhat doubtful by the geefe concealed in their
" An engraving of this scene, modernised in character, is given in Niclipls-"s
" Leicestershire," vol. i. plate 43.