Volltext: A history of caricature and grotesque in literature and art

and Art. 
worfhipper of the Virgin, and, as he was falling from the bridge into the 
river, {he Repped forward to proteet him from his perfecutors, and taking 
hold of him with her hand, faved him from death. One of the compart- 
ments ofthe rather early wall-paintings in VVinchePcer Cathedral reprefents 
the fcene according to this verfion of the fiory, and is copied in our cut 
No. 38. The Bends here take more fantaiiic {hapes than we have 
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33. Ylze Demons Dffafpm-med.  
previoully feen given to them. They remind us already of the infinitely 
varied grotefque forms which the painters of the age of the RenaiH'ance 
crowded together in fuch fubjeets as " The Temptation of St. Anthony." 
In faet these ftrange notions of the forms of the demons were not only 
preferved through the whole period of the middle ages, but are {till 
hardly extinet. They appear in almoit exaggerated forms in the illultrations 
to books of a popular religious charaeter which appeared in the tirit ages 
of printing. I may quote, as an example, one of the cuts of an early and 
very rare block-book, entitled the Ars Morimdi, or "Art of Dying," or, 
in a fecond title, De Tentationilms Morientium, on the temptations to 
which dying men are expofed. The fcene, of which a part is given in 


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