qf Caricature
For the drawing of the other fculpture to which I allude, I am
indebted to Mr. Robinfon. It is one of the fubjesfts carved on the
fagade of the church of St. Gilles, near Nifrnes, and is a work of the
twelfth century. It appears to reprefent the young David ilaying
the giant Goliah, the latter fully armed in fcale armour, and with {hield
and fpear, like a Norman knight ; while to David the artiil has given a
Hgure which is feminine in its forms. What we might take at firfi fight
for a baiket of apples, appears to be meant for a fupply of {tones for the
{ling which the young hero carries fufpended from his neck. He has
{lain the giant with one of thefe, and is cutting off his head with his own