and Art.
one of a few rude fculptures on the abbey church, which no doubt
belonged to the original fabric. It is not dihicult to recognife the fubject
as Jofeph taking the Virgin Mary with her Child into Egypt; but there
IS fomething exceedingly droll 1n the unintentional caricature of the
faces, as Well as in the whole defign. The Virgin Mary appears without
a nimbus, while the nimbus of the Infant Jefus is made to look very like
a bonnet. It may be remarked that this fubjecit of the flight into Egypt
is by no means an uncommon one in mediaeval art; and a drawing of
the fame fubjeet, copied in my "Hifcory of Domeftic Manners and
Sentiments" (p. 115), prefents a remarkable illuflration of the contrafl
of the {kill of a Norman fculptor and of an almoft contemporary Anglo-
Norman illuminator. Our cut alfo furnilhes us with evidence of the
error of the old opinion that ladies rode aftride in the middle ages. Even
one, who by his fcyle of art mutt have been an obfcure local carver on
Gone, when he reprefented a female on horfeback, placed her in the
pofxtion which has always been confidered fuitable to the fex.