and Art.
down to the feait, they were obliged to go through other ceremonies,
which, as well as the eating, are defcribed in the fame ftyle of cari-
cature. The wines, of which there was great variety, Were ftifved T0
the guetts with the fame allufions to their individual charaoters; but
fome of them complained that they were badly mixed, although Jonah was
the butler. In the fame manner are defcribed the proceedings which
followed the dinner, the wafhing of hands, and the deifert, to the
latter of which Adam contributed apples, Samfon honey; while David
played on the harp and Mary on the tabor; Judith led the round dance;
Jubal played on the pfalter; Afael {ling fongs, and Herodias aeted the
part of the dancing-girl
Tun: Adam puma minfflrat, Samfzznjlwi dulcia.
Da-vid cyrllarum percujit, et Maria tympana,
juditlz Maren: ducebat, er 7115411 pfalteria.
Afar! metra mnebat, falrabat Herodias.
Mambres entertained the company with his rnzigical performances; and
the other incidents of a mediaeval feftival followed, throughout which the
fame tone of burlefque is continued; and fo the ftory continues, to the
end? We {hall find thefe incipient forms of mediaeval comic literature
largely developed as we go on.
The period between antiquity and the middle ages was one of fuch
great and general deltruetion, that the gulf between ancient and mediaeval
art fgems to us greater and more abrupt than it really was. The want
of monuments, no doubt, prevents our feeing the gradual change of one
into the other, but neverthelelis enough of facts remain to convince us
that it was not a fndden change. It is now indeed generally underltood
that the knowledge and practice of the arts and manufactures of the
Romans were handed onward from mailer to pupil after the empire had
fallen; and this took place efpecially in the towns, fo that the workman-
' The TEXT of this Singular C0mP05m0",With a full account of the various forms
in which it was published, will be found in M. du M6ril's " PO6_sie5 Populail-es
Latines ant6rieures au douziirme sikclc," p. 193.