qf Caricature
for the theft, and ordered him to be bound to a Rake
Which, for the offence, was rather a light punifhment.
Heriger illum
jag]?! adjvalum
lari: ligari,
jhvpifyue redi,
fermom? duro
lmnc arguendo.
Thefe lines will ferve as a fpecimen of the popular Latin verfe in which
thefe monkilh after-dinner fiories were written; but the molt remarkable
of thefe early parodies on religious fubjects, is one which may be defcribed
as the fupper of the faints; its title is iimply Coma. It is falfely afcribed
to St. Cyprian, who lived in the third century; but it is as old as the tenth
century, as a copy was printed by profetibr Endlicher from a manufcript
of that period at Vienna. It was fo popular, that it is found and known
to have exified in different forms in verfe and in profe. It is a sort of
drollery, founded upon the Wedding feafi at which the Saviour changed
water into wine, though that miracle is not at all introduced into it. It
was a great king of the Eait, named Zoel, who held his nuptial feaft at
Cana of Galilee. The perfonages invited are all fcriptural, beginning with
Adam. Before the featl, they walh in the river Jordan, and the number
of the gueils was 1'0 great, that feats could not be provided for them,
and they took their places as they could. Adam took the firfr place, and
feated himfelf in the middle of the alfembly, and next to him Eve fat
upon leaves we may fuppofe. Cain fat on a
plough, Abel on a milk-pail, Noah on an ark, Japhet on tiles, Abraham
on a tree, Ifaac on an altar, Lot near the door, and fo with a long lift of
others. Two were obliged to {land-Paul, who bore it patiently, and
Efau, who grumbled-while Job lamented bitterly becanfe he was obliged
to fit on a dunghill. Mofes, and others, who came late, were obliged to
find feats out of doors. When the king faw that all his guelis had arrived,
he took them into his wardrobe, and there, in the fpirit of mediaeval
generofity, diitributed to them dreffes, which had all fome burlefque
alluhon to their particular chara6ters. Before they were allowed to fit