and Art.
when the elections had commenced, and is entitled, " The Hanoverian
Horfe and Britilh Lion--a Scene in a new Play, lately afted in Weft-
miniter, with diftinguilhed applaufe. A61 2nd, Scene laft." At the
back of the picture Itands the vacant throne, with the intimation, " We
{hall refume our fituation here at pleafure, Leo Rex." In front, the
Hanoverian horfe, unbridled, and without faddle, neighs "
rogative," and is trampling on the fafeguard of the conftitution, while it
kicks out violently the "faithful commons" (alluding to the recent dif-
folution of parliament). Pitt, on the back of the horfe, cries, " Bravo
go it again l-I love to ride a mettled Reed; fend the vagabonds
packing!" Fox appears on the other tide of the pifture, mounted on the
Britilh lion, and holding a whip and bridle in his hand. He fays to Pitt,
" Prithee, Billy, diiinount before ye get a fall, and let fome abler jockey
take your feat;" and the lion oblerves, indignantly, but with gravity,
" If this horfe is not tamed, he will foon be abfolute king of our forefl."
If thefe prints are correctly afcribed to Rowlandfon, we fee him here
fairly entered in the lifts of political caricature, and fiding with Fox and
the Vifhig party. He difplays the fame boldnels in attacking the king
and his minitters which was difplayed by Gillray-a boldnefs that pro-
bably did much towards preferving the liberties of the country from what
was no doubt a refolute attempt to trample upon them, at a time when
caricature formed a very powerful weapon. Before this time, however,
Rowlandfoifs pencil had become practifecl in thole burlefque pietures of
focial life for which he became afterwards fo celebrated. At firli he
feems to have publilhed his defigns under Hititious names, and one now
before me, entitled " The Tythe Pig," bears the early date of I786, with
the name of " Wigftead," no doubt an afihmed one, which is found on
fome others of his early prints. It reprefents the country parfon, in his
own parlour, receiving the tribute of the tithe pig from an interefiing
looking farmer's wife. The name of Rowlandfon, with the date 1792,
is attached to a very clever and humorous etching which is now alfo
before me, entitled " Cold Broth and Calamity," and reprefenting a party
of ikaters, who have fallen in a heap upon the ice, which is breaking
under their weight. It bears the name of Fores as publitlier. From