What in tlze mien, in the par, tlze crock ;
Vlietlzer "twill rain or no, and -zulzaf: zfclark;
Tlzusfram poor blruels gleaning information,
To jEr've as future trenfurefor Me nation.
So faid Peter Pindar; and in this mile king George was reprefented not
nnfrequently in fatirical prints. On the Ioth of February Gillray
ilinftrated the quality of"AH'ubility" in a pitture of one of thefe rullic
encounters. The king and queen, taking their walk, have arrived at a
cottage, where a very coarfe example of Englifh peafantry is feeding his
pigs with wafh. The fcene is reprefented in our cut No. 227. The vacant
Gare of the countryman betrays his confuhon at the rapid fL1cceHiQn of
quefiions-" Well, friend, where a' you going, hay?-What's your name,
hay?-Where do you live, hay P-hay?" In other prints the king is
reprefented running into ludicrous adventures while hunting, an amuii:-