of Caricature
Berger, would lead us to fuppoie that this over-energetic action was
confidered as part of the character of comic acting.
The Ihbject of the Roman mafks is the more interefting, becaufe they
were probably the origin of many of the grotefque faces fo often met
with in mediaeval fculpture. The comic malk was, indeed, a very popular
object among the Romans, and appears to have been taken as fyrnbolical
of everything that was droll and burlefque. From the comic fcenes of
the theatre, to which it was firit appropriated, it paifed to the popular
feitivals of a public character, fuch as the Lupercalia, with which, no
doubt, it was carried into the carnival of the middle ages, and to our
mafquerades. Among the Romans, alfo, the ufe of the malk foon paifed
from the public feftivals to private (upper parties. Its ufe was fo common
that it became a plaything among children, and was fome-times ufed as a
bugbear to frighten them. Our cut No. I6, taken from a painting at
Retina, reprefents two cupids playing with a maii-:, and ufing it for this
latter purpofe, that is, to frighten one another; and it is curious that the
mediaeval glofs of Ugutio explains larva, a matk, as being an image,
" which was put over the face to frighten chi1dren."" The maik thus
became a favourite ornament, efpecially on lamps, and on the antefixa
terrendos parvos."
(Ugurio, ap_