and Art.
Cups, or the Private Devotions of a Convent."
the following lines
See -with Mg]? friars bow religion tlzri-vex,
W110 [aw good living batter tlxan gaad lives;
Paul, tlzejuperiorfazlzer, rulex tlze roajl,
Hi: gud tile glafv, Me Hue-qyed nun Iris tonjl,
Tim: jzriefis coqfume -z0lmtfZ'arful_fbal: bgfio-w,
Jndfaintf dzmatinm make the bumpersflaw.
Tile 11utler'jIeeps_tlle cellar door i:frzs-
Tlzis is a modern rlo.j?er's piety.
Collet to Sayer we rufh into the heat-I may fay into
-of politics, for James Sayer is known, with very trifling
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ii A
N0, 114. Father Paul in ma Cups.
ceptions, as a political caricuturiit. He was the fon of a captain of a
merchant {hip at Great Yarmouth, but was himfelf put to the profeil
Hon of an attorney. As, however, he was p0fTeiTed of a moderate inde-
pendence, and appears to have had no great taiie for the law, he negleeted
his bufinefs, and, with conhderable talent for fatire and caricature, he
threw himfelf into the political {trife of the day. Sayer was a bad