Literature and Art
Wlletl we compare thefe words with the pieture, we cannot but feel that
in the latter there is an unneceiiary degree of energy put into the pqfk
of the figures; which is perhaps lefs the cafe in the other (N0. I4), an
illuitration of the f1xth fcene of the fifth aft of the Adelphi of Terence. It
reprefents the meeting of Geta, a rather talkative and conceited fervant,
and Dernea, a countryfied and churlifh old man, his acquaintance, and of
courfe fnperior. To Geta's falutation, Demea afks churli{hly, as not at
firtt knowing him, "'Who are you P" but when he finds that it is Geta,
he changes fuddenly to an almoft fawning tone
G. ecrum Demeam. Sal-vusfies.
I). 011, qui ruacare .7 G. Gem. D. Geta, lzaminem maximi
Pretii {[2 tn lzadie judicmvi animo mei,
That thefe reprefentations are truthful, the fcenes in the wall-paintings
of Pompeii leave us no room to doubt. One of thefe is produced in Our
cut N0. I5, which is no doubt taken from a comedy now loll, and we
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No. 15. Comic Stmefram Pompeii.
are ignorant whom the charaiiers are intended to reprefent. The pqfe
given to the two comic figures, compared with the example given from