4.46 Hqylory of C aricarure and
which, a few years later, came into exiftence under the title of the Royal
I Academy, and Hogarth proclaimed fo loud an oppofition to this project,
that the old cry was raifed anew, that he was jealous and envious of all
his profefiion, and that he fought to [land alone as fuperior to them all.
It was the fignal for a new onflaught of caricatures upon himfelf and his
line of beauty. Hitherto his affailants had been found chiefly among the
artitts, but the time was now approaching when he was dettined to thrult
himfelf into the midfl of a political ftrnggle, where the attacks of a new
clafs of enemies carried with them a more bitter fling.
George II. died on the 17th of October, I760, and his grandfon
fucceeded him to the throne as George III. It appears evident that
before this time Hogarth had gained the favour of lord Bute, who, by his
interett with the princefs of Wales, was all-powerful in the houfehold of
the young prince. The painter had hitherto kept tolerably clear of politics
in his prints, but now, unluckily for himfelf, he fuddenly rulhed into the
arena of political caricature. It was generally faid that Hogarth's object
was, by difplaying his zeal in the caufe of his patron, lord Bute, to obtain
an increafe in his penfion; and he acknowledges himfelf that his object
was gain. "This," he fays, "being a period when war abroad and
contention at home engroffed every one's mind, prints were thrown into
the background; and the ftagnation rendered it neceffary that I thould
do fome timed thing [the italics are Hogarth's] to recover my loft time,
and {top a gap in my income." Accordingly he determined to attack
the great minifler, Pitt, who had then recently been compelled to refign
his otlice, and had gone over to the oppofition. It is faid that John
YVilkes, who had previouily been Hogarth's friend, having been privately
informed of his delign, went to the painter, expoitulated with him, and,
as he continued obltinate, threatened him with retaliation. In Sep-
tember, x762, appeared the print entitled " The Times, No. I," indicating
that it was to be followed by a fecoud caricature. The principal features
of the pifture are thefe: Europe is repretented in flames, which are
communicating to Great Britain, but lord Bute, with foldiers and failors,
and the atiiltance of Highlanders, is labouring to extinguiih them, while
Pitt is blowing the tire, and the duke of Newcatile brings a barrowful of