and Art.
twelve fangs for all this money." The lady replies, with an air of con-
tempt, "WVell, and enough too, for the paltry triile." The idol, in return
for all this homage, Iings rather c0ntemptu0ufly-
Ra, ru, ra, rot ye,
My name is Mzngotti,
[fyou -worfbip me mam,
Taufball all go to Patti.
The clofing years of the reign of George II., under the vigorous
adminiiiration of the tirii; William Pitt, witneifed a calm in the domeftic
politics of the country, which prefented a Grange coutrait to the agita-
tion of the previous period. Faction feemed to have hidden its head, and
there was comparatively little employment for the caricaturilt. But this
calm lafted only a Ihort time after that king's death, and the new reign
was ufhered in by indications of approaching
political agitation of the moft violent defcrip-
tion, in which fatiriits W110 had hitherto c0n- X
tented themfelves with other fubjecis were
tempted to embark in the ftrife of politics. Y I
Among thefe was Hogarth, whofe difcom- ) J;
forts as a political caricaturilt we {hall have i_,
to defcribe in our next chapter. '
Perhaps no name ever provoked a greater S i'_ 4,
amount of caricature and fatirical abufe than
that of Lord Bute, who, through the favour X:
of the Princefs of Wales, ruled fupret-ne at
court during the firti period of the reign of '
George III. Bute had taken into the Q
miniftry, as his confidential colleague, .Fox
_the Henry Fox who became fubfequently M
the firfi: Lord Holland, a man who had en- ii F
riched himfelf enormoufly with the money of _-MR3: I-
the nation, and thefe two appeared to be
aiming at the eitabliihment ofarbitrary power Na' zoo Fm an Bmh
in the place of conftitutional government. Fox was ufually reprefented in