H5711" 3'
of C aricarure
W7rmf: tlze once Great Louis in youthful pride,
And Cluzrle: of happy days, wlzo botlz corffZ]"n'
T112 magi: pozuor of mezzotinto flaade,
Andform grolqfque, in manifsjloex laud
Denouncing deatlz to boor and burgomafrr.
PVitm:f:, yefncred popes 'witlz triple crown,
H7710 likewzfe -z1i2'7im:fEll to lzideau: print,
Spurn'a' by the populate who -wlzilomz lay
Prqflrate, and e-u'r1 adored bqfare your tlzronox.
We are then told that " this, if not the firfi, has yet been the chief
machine which his enemies have empl0y'd againfi the d06f0r; they have
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17:2 Time Falfr Bretlzrm.
expofed him in the fame piece with the pope and the devil, and who
now could imagine that any Iimple prieilz fhould be able to fiand before a
power which had levelled popes and monarchs? " At lc.-all one copy of
the caricature here alluded to is preferved, although a great rarity, and it
is reprefented in our cut No. I91. Two of the party remained long
4" The method of engraving Called mezzotinto was very generally adopted in
England in the earlier part of the last Century for prints and caricatures. It was
continued to rather a late period by the publishing house of Carrington Bowles.