Volltext: A history of caricature and grotesque in literature and art

0f Caricature 
of its caricaturiiis. The iirll of thefe events belongs almoft entirely to 
Romain de Hooghe. Very little is known of the perfonal hiftory of this 
remarkable artiit, but he is believed to have been born towards the middle 
of the feventeenth century, and to have died in the earlier years of the 
eighteenth century. The older French writers on art, who were pre- 
judiced againfi Romain de Hooghe for his bitter hottility to Louis XIV., 
inform us that in his youth he employed his graver on obfcene fubjects, 
and led a life fo openly licentious, that he was banifhed from his native 
town of Amtterdam, and went to live at Haerlem. He gained celebrity 
by the feries of plates, executed in 1672, which reprefented the horrible 
atrocities committed in Holland by the French troops, and which raifed 
againft Louis XIV. the indignation of all Europe. It is faid that the 
prince of Orange (William III. of England), appreciating the value of 
his fatire as a political weapon, fecured it in his own interefts by liberally 
patronifing the caricaturitt; and we owe to Romain de Hooghe a fuccef- 
iion of large prints in which the king of France, his protege James IL, 
and the adherents of the latter, are covered with ridicule. One, publifhed 
in I688, and entitled " Les Monarches Tombants," commemorates the 
flight of the royal family from England. Another, which appeared at the 
fame date, is entitled, in French, "Arlequin fur Fhypogryphe a la croifade 
Loiolifte," and in Dutch, "Armee van de Heylige League voor der 
Jefuiten Monarchy"  " the army of the holy league for eftablilhing the 
monarchy of the Jefuits  Louis XIV. and James II. were reprefented  
under the characters of Arlequin and Panurge, who are feated on the 
animal here called a " hypogryphe," but which is really a wild ais. The 
two kings have their heads joined together under one .Tefuit's cap. 
Other figures, forming part of this army of Jefuitifm, are diftributed over 
the field, the molt grotefque of which is that given in our cut No. 187. 
Two perfonages introduced in fome ridiculous pofition or other, in molt 
of thefe caricatures, are father Petre, the Jefuit, and the infant prince of 
Wales, afterwards the old Pretender. It was pretended that this infant 
was in fact the child of a miller, fecretly introduced into the queen's bed 
concealed in a warming-pan; and that this ingenious plot was contrived 
by father Petre. Hence the boy was popularly called Peterkin, or 


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