and Art.
under the protefiion of the king of France. The very year of king
James's acceilion, in I685, the caricature appeared which We have copied
in our cut No. I86, and which, although the infcription is in Englifh,
appears to have been the work of a foreign artifc. It was probably
intended to reprefent Mary of Modena, the queen of James II., and her
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No. 1_8b. A Dangzroux Con_fEjBr.
rather famous confellbr, father Petre, the latter under the charaoter of the
Wolf among the fheep. Its aim is fufficiently evident to need no expla-
nation. At the top, in the original, are the Latin words, Converts
Angliam, "convert England," and beneath, in Englifh, "It is a foolilh
{heep that makes the Wolf her confeifor."
The period during which the Dutch fchool of caricature ilourifhed,
extended through the reign of Louis XIV., and into the regency in
France, and two great events, the revolution of 1688 in England, and the
wild money fpeculations of the year 1720, exercifed efpecially the pencils