qf C arzkature
perfuaded him to difinherit his fon, and he labours to feduce his wife and
to deceive his daughter. His bafenels is expofed onlyjuft foon enough to
defeat his defigns. Such a production as this could not fail to give great
offence to all the Jacobite party, of whatever thade, who were then rather
numerous in London, and Cibber affures us that his reward was a con-
iiderable amount of adverfe criticifm in every quarter where the Tory
influence reached. His comedies were inferior in brilliance of dialogue
to thofe of the previous age, but the plots were well imagined and
conducted, and they are generally good acting plays.
To Samuel Foote, born in 1722, we owe the latl change in the form
and character of Englifh comedy. A man of infinite wit and humour,
and poH'eH'ed of extraordinary talent as a mimic, Foote made mimicry
the principal inftrument of his fuccefs on the itage. His plays are above
all light and amuting; he reduced the old comedy of live acts to three
acts, and his plots were ufually Gmple, the dialogue full of wit and
humour; but their peculiar characteriftic was their open boldnefs of per-
fonal fatire. It is entirely a comedy of his own. He fought to direct
his wit againlt all the vices of fociety, but this he did by holding up to
ridicule and fcorn the individuals who had in fome way or other made
themfelves notorious by the practice of them. All his principal characters
were real characters, who were more or lefs known to the public, and
who were fo perfectly mimicked on the ftage in their drefs, gait, and
fpeech, that it was impofiible to miltake them. Thus, in "The Devil
upon Two Sticks," which is a general fatire on the low condition to which
the practice of medicine had then fallen, the perfonages introduced in it
all reprefented quacks well known about the town. "The Maid of Bath"
dragged upon the Rage fcandals which were then the talk of Bath fociety.
The nabob of the comedy which bears that title, had alfo his model
in real life. " The Bankrupt " may be confidered as a general fatire on
the bafenefs of the newfpaper prefs of that day, which was made the
means of propagating private fcandals and libellous accufations in order to
extort money, yet the characters introduced are laid to have been all
portraits from the life; and the fame ftatement is made with regard to
the comedy of " The Author."