Qf Caricature
It is decided that the Emile {hould be added to the prologue, for, as
Johnfon remarks to Bayes, " Faith, 'tis extraordinary fine, and very applic-
able to Thunder and Lightning, methinks, becaufe it {peaks of a Pcorm."
In the fecond ail We come to the opening of the play, the 61-11 fcene
Confiiting of WhiQ)ering, in ridicule of a fcene in Davenanfs " Play-houfe
to Let," where Drake fenior fays-
Draw up your men,
And in la-w -wlzzjjoers give your order: out.
In fa6t, the Gentleman-Uiher and the Phyfician of the two kings of
Brentford appear upon the fcene alone, and difcufs a plot to dethrone the
two kings of Brentford, which they communicate by whifpers into each
other's ears, which are totally inaudible. In Scene ii., " Enter the two
kings, hand in hand," and Bayes remarks to his vifitors, " Oh ! thefe are
now the two kings of Brentford; take notice of their ftyle--'twas never yet
upon the ilage; but, if you like it, I could make a fhift, perhaps, to {how
you a whole play, writ all juit fo." The kings begin, rather familiarly,
becaufe, as Bayes adds, " they are both perfons of the fame quality z"-
1]? King.-
znd King,-
Ifi Kir1g_-
znd King,-
lfi King,-
znd King.-
-Did you observe their whispers, brother king?
-I did, and heard, besides, a grave bird sing,
That they intend, sweetheart, to play us pranks.
-If that design appears,
I'll lay them by the ears,
Until I make "em crack.
-And so will I, i' lack!
-You must begin, mnnfizi.
-Sweet sir, pardenmzz moi.
Bayes obferves that he makes the two kings talk French in order " to
thow their breeding." In the third a6t, Bayes introduces a new
character, prince Prettyman, a parody upon the character of Leonidas, in
Dryden's " Marriage-a-la-Mode." The prince falls afleep, and then his
beloved Cloris comes in, and is furprifed, upon which Bayes remarks,
" Now, here the mutt make a firnile." " Where-"s the necefiity of that,
Mr. Bayes? " afks the critical Mr. Smith. " Oh," replies Bayes, " becaufe
(he's furprifed. That's a general rule. You muft ever make a {imile
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