qf Caricature and
flomacke, and new taken pillage; who had rather eat than fight." It
was publiihed in I642. The Englilh Irifh foldier is, as may be fuppofed,
heavily laden with plunder. In I646 appeared another caricature, which
is copied in our cut No. I80. It reprefents "England's Wolfe with
Eagles clawes; the cruell impieties of bloud-thirity royalifls and blall
phemous anti-parliamentarians, under the command of that inhumane
prince Rupert, Digby, and the reft, wherein the barbarous crueltie of our
civill uncivill war:-es is briefly difcovered." England's wolf, as will be
feen, is drelTed in the high falhion of the gay courtiers of the time.
A few large caricatures, embodying fatire of a more comprehenfive
defcription, appeared from time to time, during this troubled age. Such
is a large emblematical pieture, publifhed on the 9th of November, I642,