Hijlory 0f
fong, in verfe Iimilar to the laft, contains a general review of the demerits
of the members of the prelacy, under the title of " The Biihops Laft
Good-night." At the head of the broadfide on which it is printed Hand
two fatirical woodcuts, but it mutt be confelfed that the Words of the
Yong are better than the engraving. The bilhop of Ely, we are told, had
jnft gone to join his friend Laud in the Tower-
Ely, thou lmjl al-way to tlzy pa-war
Left the Mural: naked in a fiorme and [lva1vrz,
And nolwfor 't tlmu mtg) to rlzj aldfiirnd i' 111'
Tn rile Tower muff Ely ;
Come away,
A third obnoxious prelate was bilhop VVillian1s. VVilliams was a
Welfhman who had been high in favour with James 1., but he had given
offence to the government of Charles I., and been imprifoned in the
Tower during the earlier part of that king's reign. He was relcafed by
the parliament in 1640, and fo far regained the favour of king Charles, that
he was railed to the archbiihopric of York in the year following. When
the civil war began, he retired into VVales, and garrilbned Conway for
the king. Williams's warlike behaviour was the iburce of much mirth
among the Roundheads. In I642 was publilhed a large caricature on
the three clalfes to whotn the parliamentarians were efpecially h0ftile-
the royalifi judges, the prelates, and the rullling cavaliers; reprelented
here, as we are told in writing in the copy among the king's pamphlets,
by judge Mallet, bilhop lVilliams, and colonel Lunsford. Thefe three
figures are placed in as many compartments with doggrel verfes under
each. That of bifhop Williams is copied in our cut No. 178. The
biihop is armed cap-it-pie, and in the diftance behind him are feen on one
tide his cathedral church, and on the other his war-horfe. The verfes
beneath it contain an allufion to this prelate's Wellh extraetion in the
orthography of fome of the words
011, fir, I'm: ready, didyou never lleere
Hawfbrward I lza-ve bjn t"i: many a yeure,
Tappofe tlzz prnnqice dat ix no-w on jbotz,
Hllzicll plurlu my brelhen up boll: prancll and male .7
My pofiure and my kart toil: well agree
Toji_gl1t ; new plud is up : rame,_fblla'w met.