and Art.
chimerical ligures, all equally droll and burlefque, but which prefent an
entire contrali to the more coarfe and vulgar conceptions of the German-
Flemifh fchool. This diH'erence will be underiiood bell by an example.
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Nu, I60. The Demon T ilter (Cellar).
One of C:1]1ot's demons is reprefented in our cut No. 160. Many of them
are mounted on noudcfcript animals, of the mofi extraordinary demoniacal
cliarader, and fuch is the cafe of the demon in our cut, who is running a
tilt at the {hint with his tilting {bear in his hand, and, to make more
fure, his eyes Well furuiihed with a pair of fpeitacles. In our next cut,
N0. 161, we give. n fccond example of the figures in Cullofs peculiar
G. Q. a1'u['luriu.