and Art.
intended as a fatire upon thofe who wafte their time in hunting, which,
the verfes tell us, they will in the fequel lament bitterly; and they are
exhorted to cry loud and continually to Ged, and to let that ferve them
in the place of hound and hawk.
Die zcit die du werlzurji mi! jagerz,
Die -zuirpu zwar noclz fcbmertzliclz Hagen ;
Rzff laut mu Gatt gar oft zmd
Dasfey dein lzund undfederjjbil.
The next pidture in the feries, which is equally dilicult to defcribe,
is aimed againit thofe Who fail in attaining virtue or honour through
iluggilbnek. Others follow, but I will only give one more example. It
fornis our cut No. I 59, and appears, from the verfes accompanying it, to
No. 159'
Tile Waffcfulnzjfs qf Youth.
be aimed againft thofe who praetice waftefulnefs in their youth, and thus
become objetits of pity and fcorn in old age. Wliatever may be the point
of the allegory contained in the engraving, it is certainly far-fetched,
and not very apparent.
This German-Flemiili fchool of grotefque does not appear to have
outlived the fixteenth century, or at leafl: it had cealed to Hourifh in the
century following. But the tafce for the diablerie of the Temptation