and Art.
in the fifteenth century, this clafs of legends became great favourites with
painters and engravers, and fooii gave rife to the peculiar fchool of
zliiablerie mentioned above. At that time the ftory of the Temptation of
St. Anthony attracted particular attention, and it is the fubjeet of many
remarkable prints belonging to the earlier ages of the art of engraving.
It employed the pencils of fuch artitls as Martin Schongauer, Ifrael van
Meclien, and Lucas Cranach. Of the latter we have two different
engravings on the fame fubjeet-St. Anthony carried into the air by the
demons, who are reprefented in a great variety of grotefque and monllrous
forms. The mofl remarkable of the two bears the date of I506, and was,
therefore, one of Cranach's earlier works. But the great reprefentative
of this earlier fchool of dial-lerie was Peter Breughel, a Flernifh painter
who Houriflied in the middle of the fixteenth century. He was born at
Breughel, near Breda, and lived fome time at Antwerp, but afterwards
eftablifhed himfelf at Brutfels. So celebrated was he for the love of the
grotefque difplayed in his pictures, that he was known by the name of
Peter the Droll. Breughel's "Temptation of St. Anthony," like one or
two others of his fubjeits of the fame clafs, was engraved in a reduced
form by J. T. de Bry. Breughel's demons are figures of the molt fantattic
defcription-creations of a wildly grotefque imagination; they prefent
incongruous and laughable mixtures of parts of living things which have no
relation whatever to one another. Our cut No. 155 reprefents a group of
thefe grotefque demons, from a plate by Breughel, engraved in 1565, and
entitled Divus Jacobus diabolicis prwjiigiis ante magum fflitur (St. James
is arreited before the magician by diabolical delufions). The engraving
is full of fimilarly grotefque figures. On the right is a fpacious chimney,
and up it witches, riding on brooms, are making their efcape, while in
the air are feen other witches riding away upon dragons and a goat. A
kettle is boiling over the fire, around which a group of monkeys are feen
fitting and warming tliemfelves. Behind thefe a cat and a toad are
holding a very intimate converfation. In the background {tands and
boils the great witches' caldron. On the right of the picture the magus,
or magician, is feated, reading his grimoire, with a frame before him
fupporting the pot containing his magical ingredients. The faint occupies