qf C aricature
a great variety of forms; on one occafion their chief appeared to him
under the form of a man, with the lower members of an afs.
The demons which tormented St. Anthony became the general type
for fubfequent creations, in which thefe iirft pictures were gradually, and
in the fequel, greatly improved upon. St. Anthony's perfecutors ufually
alihmed the {hapes of bond. jide animals, but thofe of later ltories took
montirous and grotefque forms, {trange mixtures of the parts of different
animals, and of others which never exifted. Such were feen by
St. Guthlac, the St. Anthony of the Anglo-Saxons, among the wild
moraffes of Croyland. One night, which he was paliing at his devotions
in his cell, they poured in upon him in great numbers; " and they tilled
all the houfe with their coming, and they poured in on every fide, from
above and from beneath, and everywhere. They were in countenance
horrible, and they had great heads, and a long neck, and lean vifage;
they were iilthy and fqualid in their beards, and they had rough ears, and
diftorted face, and fierce eyes, and foul mouths ; and their teeth were
like horfes' tuiks, and their throats were tilled with flame, and they were
grating in their voice; they had crooked Ihanks, and knees big and great
behind, and diftorted toes, and {hrieked hoarfely with their voices; and
they came with fuch immoderate noifes and immenfe horror, that it
feemed to him that all between heaven and earth refounded with their
dreadful cries." On another fimilar occafion, "ithappened one night,
when the holy man Guthlac fell to hi5 prayers, he heard the howling of
cattle and various wild bealts. Not long after he faw the appearance
of animals and wild beafls and creeping things coming in to him. Firft
he faw the vifage of a lion that threatened him with his bloody tuiks,
alfo the likenefis of a bull, and the vifage of a bear, as when they are
enraged. Alfo he perceived the appearance of vipers, and a hog's
grunting, and the howling of wolves, and croaking of ravens, and the
various whiltlings of birds, that they might, with their fantaftic appear-
ance, divert the mind of the holy man."
Such were the fuggeftions on which the mediaeval fculptors and illumi-
nators worked with {'0 much effect, as we have feen repeatedly in the courfe
of our preceding chapters. After the revival of art in weftern Europe