Volltext: A history of caricature and grotesque in literature and art

in Literature and Art. 
The Greeks, efpecially, were partial to reprefentations of monfters, and 
rnonftrous forms are continually met with among their ornaments and works 
of art. The type of the Egyptian rnoniier is reprefented in the accompany- 
ing Cllt (N0. 7), taken from the work of Sir Gardner Wilkinfon before 
quoted, and is faid to be the figure of the god Typhon. It occurs frequently 
on Egyptian monuments, with fome variation in its forms, but always 
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charaeterifed by the broad, coarfe, and frightful face, and by the large 
tongue lolling out. It is intereiiing to us, becaufe it is the apparent 
origin of a long feries of faces, or maiks, of this form and character, which 
are continually recurring in the groteique ornamentation, not only of the 
Greeks and Romans, but of the middle ages. It appears to have been 
fometimes given by the Romans to the repirefentations of people whom 
they hated or defpifed; and Pliny, in a curious paffage of his " Natural 
C Hiflory," 



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