and Art.
Some of Murner's writings againlt Luther, moft of which are now very
rare, are extremely violent, and they are generally illuttratecl with fatirical
woodcuts. One of thefe books, printed
without name of place or date, is
entitled, " Of the great Lutheran Fool, 5
how Doctor Murner has exorcifed him"
(Wm dem grqjbn Luthcrijfblzen Narren, -Q7
wie in Doctor Murner btjfbhworcn hat).
In the woodcuts to this book Murner 1l_,_l
himfelf is introduced, as is ufuall the 4.
cale in thefe fatirical engravings, tirnder
the charaoter of a Francifcan friar,
with the head of a cat, while Luther
appears as a fat and jolly monk, wear-
ing a fool's cap, and figuring in various
ridiculous circumltances. In one of the ML kw in, Mla J;-1.6 Hahn
firfl woodcuts, the cat Francifcan is
drawing a rope so tight round the great Lutheran fool's neck, that he
compels him to dilgorge a multitude of fmaller fools. In another
the great Lutheran fool has his purte, or pouch, full of little fools
fufpended at his girdle. This latter figure is copied in the cut No. x44, as
an example of the form under which the great reformer appears in thele
latirical reprefentations.
In a few other caricatures of this period which have been preferved,
the apoltle of the Reformation is attacked {till more lavagely. The one
here given (Fig. 145), taken from a contemporary engraving on wood,
prefents a rather fantatiic figure of the demon playing on the bagpipes.
The inttrument is formed of Luther's head, the pipe through which the
devil blows entering his ear, and that through which the mufic is
produced forming an elongation of the reformers nofe. It was a broad
intimation that Luther was a mere tool of the evil one, created for the
purpofe of bringing mifchief into the world.
The reformers, however, were more than a match for their opponents
in this fort of warfare. Luther himfelf was full of comic and fatiric