Volltext: A history of caricature and grotesque in literature and art

and Art. 
and nuns, and indeed of all the clergy, had long been a fubject of fatire. 
But the writer to Whom I efpecially allude was named Paulus Olearius, 
his name in German being Oelfchlagel. He publifhed, about the year 
1500, a fatirical tract, under the title of "De Fide Concubinarum in 
Sacerdotes." It was a bitter attack on the licentioufneik of the clergy, 
and was rendered more effective by the engravings which accompanied it. 
XVe give one of thefe as a curious picture of contemporary manners ; the 
individual who comes within the range of the lady's attractions, though 
he may be a fcholar, has none of the charaoteriitics of a prieft. She 
prefents a nofegay, which we may fuppofe to reprefent the influence of 
perfume upon the fenfes; but the love of the ladies for pet animals is 
efpecially typified in the monkey, attached by a chain. A donkey appears 
to {how by his heels his contempt for the lover. 
From an early period, the Roman church had been accufiomed to 
treat contemptuouily, as Well as cruelly, all who diifented from its do6trines, 
or objeited to its government, and this feeling was continued down to the 
age of the Reformation, in fpite of the tone of liberalifm which was beginning


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