arid Art.
to inquire into the conduct of the inhabitants, they found them engaged
in the moit extraordinary purfuits, fome of them feeking to drown an eel
in a pond of water, others making a hedge round a tree to confine a
cuckoo which had fettled in it, and others employing themfelvesin fimilar
futile purfuits. The cominitiioriers reported the people of Gotham to be
no better than fools, and by this {tratagem they efcaped any further
perfecntion, but the character they affumed remained attached to them.
This explanation is, of courfe, very late and very apocryphal; but
there can be little doubt that the character of the wife men of Gotham
is one of confiderable antiquity. The {tory is believed to have been
drawn up in its prefent form by Andrew Borde, an Englifh writer of the
reign of Henry VIII. It was reprinted a great number of times under
the form of thofe popular books called chap-books, becaufe they were
hawked about the country by itinerant bookfellers or chap-men. The
acts of the Gothamites difplayed a greater degree of fimplicity even than
thofe of the Schildburgers, but they are lefs connected. Here is one
anecdote told in the unadorned language of the chap-books, in explana-
tion of which it is only neccilary to ftate that the men of Gotham admired
greatly the note of the cuckoo. " On a time the men of Gotham fain
would have pinn'd in the cuckow, that the might ting all the year; and,
in the midtt of the town, they had a hedge made round in compafs, and
got a cuckow and put her into it, and faid, ' Sing here, and you {hall lack
neither meat nor drink all the year.' The cuckow, when {he perceived
herfelf encompaffed with the hedge, flew away. "A vengeance on her]
faid thefe wife men, 'we did not make our hedge high enough.'" On
another occation, having caught a large eel which offended them by its
voracity, they affembled in council to deliberate on an appropriate punifh-
ment, which ended in a refolution that it fhould be drowned, and the
criminal was ceremonioufly thrown into a great pond. One day twelve
men of Gotham went a-tithing, and on their way home they liiddenly
difcovered that they had loft one of their number, and each counted in his
turn, and could rind only eleven. In fact, each forgot to count llimfelf.
In the midfi: of their diltrefs-for they believed their companion to be
drowned-a {iranger approached, and learnt the caufe of their forrow.