qf Caricature
are extremely rare, and this is an interefting example; in fa6t, it is only
recently that our Shakfpearian critics really underfrood the meaning of the
word. A pomander was a fmall globular veffel, perforated with holes,
and tilled with fcrong perfumes, as it is reprefented in our woodcut. The
fourth of thefe boats is that of foolifh tailing, fcapha gqfalionisfatzmz,
and the ladies have their well-furnilhed table on board the boat, and are
largely indulging in eating and drinking. In the laft of thefe boats, the
_]Z'a;bha cozzta-Fiionisfatuae, or boat of foolilh feeling, the women have men on
board, and are proceeding to great liberties with them; one of the gentle
damfels, too, is picking the pocket of her male companion in a very
unlady-like manner.
Two ideas combined in this peculiar field of fatiric literature, that of
the {hip and that of the fools, now became popular, and gave rife to a 11011
of imitators. There appeared {hips of health, [hips of penitence, ihips of
all ibrts of things, on the one hand ; and on the other, folly was a favourite
theme of fatire from many quarters. One of the molt remarkable of the
perfonages involved in this latter warfare, was the great fcholar Defiderius
Erafrnus, of Rotterdam, who was born in that city in 1467. Like molt
of thefe fatirifls, Erafmus was Pcrongly imbued with the fpirit of the