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work of Sebaitian Brandt, it attracted the fpecial attention of a celebrated
preacher of the time named Johann Geiler. Geiler was born at Schafll
haufen, in Switzerland, in 14.45, but having loii: his father when only
three years of age, he was educated by his grandfather, who lived at
Keyfertberg, in Alface, and hence he was commonly called Geiler of
Keyferfberg. He ftudied in Freiburg and Bile, obtained a great repu-
tation for learning, was eiteemed a profound theologian, and was finally
fettled in Straiburg, where he continued to thine as a preacher until his
death in I510. He was a bold man, too, in the caufe of truth, and de-
claimed with earneft zeal againft the corruptions of the church, and efpe-
cially againft the monkifh orders, for he compared the black monks to the
devil, the white monks to his dam, and the others he faid were their
chickens. On another occafion he faid that the qualities ofa good monk
were an almighty belly, an afs's back, and a raven's mouth. He told his
congregation from the pulpit that a great reformation was at hand, that
he did not expect to live to fee it himfelf, but that many of thofe who
heard him would live to fee it. As may be fuppofed, the monks hated
him, and fpoke of him with contempt. They faid, that in his fermons he
took his texts, not from the Scriptures, but from the " Ship of Fools " of
Sebaftian Brandt; and, in ea, during the year 1498, Geiler preached at
Strafburg a feries of fermons on the follies of his time, which were
evidently founded upon Brandt's book, for the various follies were taken
in the fame order. They were originally compiled in German, but one
of Geiler's fcholars, Jacob Other, tranflated them into Latin, and
publifhed them, in 1501, under the title of "Navicula five Speculum
Fatuorum przeftantifliini facrarum literarum doctoris Johannis Geiler."
YVithin a few years this work went through feveral editions both in Latin
and in German, fome of them illuftrated by woodcuts. The Ityle of
preaching is quaint and curious, full of fatirical wit, which is often coarfe,
according to the manner of the time, fometimes very indelicate. Each
fermon is headed by the motto, " Stultorum inlinitus eft numerus."
Geller takes for his theme in each fermon one of the titles of Brandt's
" Ship of Fools," and he feparates them into fubdiviiions, or branches,
which he calls the bells (nolas) from the fool's-cap.