0f Caricature
fangs of an early date, fung at one of thefe "feafis " at Rouen, has been
preferved, and contains the following lines, written in Latin and
French 1-
De qjina bone rwfiro,
Meliori 2! optima,
Debemu: fairs fete.
En revenant dz Grwvinaria,
Un gros chardon reperir in -via,
I1 lui coupa la tete.
Vir monaclzu: in menjk julia
Egr'z_'j74: zji e manaficrio,
C'est dom de la. Bucaill
Egrgwzs 41' fine licenria,
Pour aller voir dona. Vcnissiu,
Et faire la ripaillc.
For our good afs,
T112 better and the bqfi,
We ought to rejoice.
In rerurning-from Graluinifre,
A gr:-at tlzijilz kefhznd in rlze
He cut if its llead.
A monk in the montli of yuly
P7011; out my" [til mor1a_[iery,
It is dam de la Bucaille;
He went out -without liceqfe,
To pay a wfft to tlze dame de V:-niji,
And make jovial cheer,
lt appears that De la Bucaille was the prior of the abbey of St. Taurin,
at Rouen, and that the dame de Veniffe was priorefs of St. Saviour, and
thefe lines, no doubt, commemorate fome great fcandal of the day
relating to the private relations between thefe two individuals.
Thefe mock religious ceremonies are fuppofed to have been derived
from the Roman Saturnalia; they were evidently of great antiquity in the
mediaeval church, and were mofc prevalent in France and Italy. Under
the name of " the feaft of the fub-deaccns" they are forbidden by the
a6ts of the council of Toledo, in 633; at a later period, the French
punned on the wordjbus-diacres, and called them Saouls-diacres (Drunken
Deacons), words which had nearly the fame found. The "feati of the
afs "