and Gronfque
of Caricature
coiturne in the illuminations or manufcripts, and towards the end of the
century this coflume appears continually in engravings. It is alfo met
with at this time among the fculptures of buildings and the carvings of
wood-work. The two very intereiling examples given in our cut No. 127
are taken from carvings of the fifteenth century, in the church of
St. Levan, in Cornwall: near the Land's End. They reprefent the court
fool in two varieties of cofiume; in the firil, the fool's cowl, or cap, ends
in the c0ck's head; in the other, it is titted with a[Tes' ears. There are
variations alfo in other parts of the dreih; for the Iecond only has bells
to his fleeves, and the firii carries a fingularly formed ftaff, which may
perhaps be intended for a Ilrap or belt, with a buckle at the end; while
the other has a ladle in his hand. As one p_oH'eH'es a beard, and prefentg
marks of age in his countenance, while the other is beardlefs and youthful,
we may coufider the pair as an old fool and a young fool.
The Cornifh churches are rather celebrated for their early carved
wood-work, chiefly of the fifteenth century, of which two examples are
given in our cut, N0. I28, taken from bench pannels in the church
of St. Mullion, on the Cornifh coalt, a little to the north of the