and Art.
When the minitrels could thus jokeupon themfelves, we need not be
furprifed if they fatirifed one another. In a poem of the thirteenth
century, entitled " Les deux Troveors Ribauz," two minttrels are introduced
on the Rage abufmg and infulting one another, and while indulging in
mutual accufations of ignorance in their art, they difplay their ignorance
at the fame time by miiqnoting the titles of the poems which they profefs
to be able to recite. One of them boafts of the variety of initruments on
which he could perform
jefuix jugleres de 4-uiele,
Sifai dc mufe er defrejlele,
E: dz lzarpes et dz clzifanie,
De Ia gigue, de Parmonie,
D: Iyizlzeire, er en Ia rote
Sai-gs bier: clzanler une note.
It appears, however, that among all thefe inltrurnents, the viol, or fiddle,
was the one mofi generally in ufe.
The mediaeval monuments of art abound with burlefques and fatires
on the minflrels, Whofe inflruments of mufic are
placed in the hands fometimes of monilers, and at
others in thofe of animals of a not very refined cha- J
ra-Ster. Our cut No. 118 is taken from a manufcript Hy?!
in the Britifh Mufeum (MS. Cotton, Domitian A.
and reprefents a female minilrel playing on the X Q Q
fiddle; ihe has the upper part of a lady, and the
lower parts of a mare, a combination which appears {IA " Iv"
to have been rather familiar to the imagination of the -7
mediaeval artifts. In our cut No. 119, which is taken t
from a copy made by Carter of one of the mifereres - gt"
in Ely Cathedral, it is not quite clear whether the M"
performer on the fiddle be a monfter or merely a
cripple; but perhaps the latter was intended. The inttrument, too,
aflhtnes a rather [ingular form. Our cut No I20, alfo taken from Carter,
was furnilhed by a fculpture in the church of St. John, at Cirencefler,
and reprefents a man performing on an inflrunient rather clofely
refembling the modern hurdy-gurdy, which is evidently played by