and Art.
Poculis accendizur animi luccrna ;
Car imbutum neffare -vafat adjilperna :
Mihifapi! dulciu: winum in taberna,
Quam quad aqua mffcuit prwfulix pinccrna.
4- -X- -X- -x- -x- -11-
Unicuique proprium dat mztura munus :
Ego nunquam poruifcribere jejunu: ;
Mejzjunum puer unzlx;
Silim er jqjunium adi tarzquam junus,"
Another of the more popular of thefe goliardic poems was the advice of
Golias againtt marriage, a grofs fatire upon the female fex. Contrary to
what we might perhaps expect from their being written in Latin, many
of thefe metrical fatires are direfted againtt the vices of the laity, as well
as againft thofe of the clergy.
In 184.4. the celebrated German fcholar, Jacob Grimm, publifhed in
the " Tranfaftions of the Academy of Sciences at Berlin " a feleotion of
goliardic verfes from manufcripts in Germany, which had evidently been
written by Germans, and fome of them containing alluiions to German
affairs in the thirteenth century.'I' They prefent the fame form of verfe
and the fame ftyle of fatire as thofe found in England, but the name of
Golias is exchanged for arch-ipoeta, the archpoet. Some of the {tanzas
of the " Confefiion of Golias " are found in a poem in which the archpoet
addretfes a petition to the archchancellor for afiiftance in his diftrefs, and
confeifes his partiality for wine. A copy ofthe Confellion itfelf is alfo found
in this German colleetion, under the title of the " Poet's Confefiion."
The Royal Library at Munich contains a very important manufcript of
this goliardic Latin poetry, written in the thirteenth century. [t belonged
originally to one of the great Benedictine abbeys in Bavaria, where it appears
to have been very carefully preferved, but ftill with an apparent confcioutl
nefs that it was not exatftly a book for a religious brotherhood, which led
4' Poems attributed to Waiter Mapes, p. 73. The stanzas here quoted, with
some others, were afterwards made up into a drinking song, which was rather
popular in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
1- " Gedichte des Mittelalters auf Kfinig Friedrich I. den Staufar, und aus seiner
so wie der niichstfolgenden Zeit," 4t0. Separate copies of this work were printnd
off and distributed among mediaeval scholars