of Caricature
verfe. The tirtt of thefe, in his "Polycraticus," Walter Mapes, in his
book "De Nugis Curialiurn," and Giraldus. in his " Speculum Eccletiae,"
and feveral other of his writings, lay the lath on the corruptions and vices
of their contemporaries with no tender hand. The two molt remarkable
Englifh fatiritis of the twelfth century were John de Hauteville and
Nigellus VVireker. The former wrote, in the year 1184, a poem in nine
books of Latin hexameters, entitled, after the name of its hero, " Archi-
trenius," or the Arch-mourner. Architrenius is reprefented as a youth,
arrived at years of maturity, who forrows over the fpeetacle of human
vices and weaknetfes, until he refolves to go on a pilgrimage to Dame
Nature, in order to expottulate with her for having made him feeble to
rehtt the temptations of the world, and to entreat her atiiftance. On his
way, he arrives fuccetiively at the court of Venus and at the abode of
Gluttony, which give him the occaiion to dwell at confiderable length
on the licenfe and luxury which prevailed among his contemporaries.
He next reaches Paris, and vifits the famous mediaeval univernty, and his
iatire on the manners of the ftuclents and the fruitleifnells of their Iludies,
forms a remarkable and interetting picture of the age. The pilgrim
next arrives at the Mount of Ambition, tempting by its beauty and by the
ftately palace with which it was crowned, and here we are prefented with
a fatire on the manners and corruptions of the court. Near to this was
the Hill of Prefutnption, which was inhabited by eccletiaftics of all claH'es,
great fcbolaftic doctors and profetfors, monks, and the like. It is a
fatire on the manners of the clergy. As Arcbitrenius turns from this
painful fpeetacle, he encounters a gigantic and hideous monfter named
Cupidity, is led into a feries of redetitions upon the greedinefs and
avarice of the prelates, from which he is roufed by the uproar caufed by
a fierce combat between the prodigals and the mifers. He is fubfequently
carried to the ifland of far-diftant Thule, which he finds to be the refting-
place of the philofophers of ancient Greece, and he littens to their
declamations againit the vices of mankind. After this vifit, Architrenius
reaches the end of his pilgrimage. He finds Nature in the form of a
beautiful woman, dwelling with a hott of attendants in the midlt of a
flowery plain, and meats with a courteous reception, but {he begins by