and Art.
mote out of thine eye, and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou
hypocrite, firllz caft out the beam out of thine own eye, and then [halt
thou fee clearly to call out the mote out of thy brother's eye." W11at-
ever be the exact nature of the beam which the man was expected to
overlook in his " own eye," it certainly was not a large beam of timber.
Yet fuch was the conception of it by artiiis of the Iixteenth century.
One of them, named Solomon Bernard, defigned a feries of woodcuts
illuitrating the New Teftament, which were publiihed at Lyons in 1553 5
and the manner in which he treated the fubject will be feen in our cut
No. I09, taken from one of the illuftrations to that book. The individual
feated is the man who has a mote in his eye, which the other, approach-
ing him, points out; and he retorts by pointing to the " beam," which is
certainly fuch a mailive objeit as could not eaiily have been overlooked.
About thirteen years before this, an artiit of Augiburg, named Daniel
Hopfer, had publifhed a large copper-plate engraving of this fame fubjeit,
a reduced copy of which is given in the cut No. 110. The individual
who fees the mote in his brother's eye, is evidently treating it in the