and Art.
depiited, even to the details, with the various implements appertaining
to their profeliion, molt of which are fnfpended to their girdles. They
are drawn with much fpirit, and even the dog is well reprefented as
an efpecially adive partaker in the fcene.
Of the two other examples we ielect from the mifereres of Corbeil,
the firft reprefents the carpenter, or, as he was commonly called by our
Anglo-Saxon and mediaeval forefathers, the wright, which fignifies {imply
the "maker." The application of this higher and more general term_
for the Almighty himfelf is called. in the Anglo-Saxon poetry, ealm
gqfbejla wyrhta, the Maker, or Creator, of all things-{hows how
important an art that of the carpenter was coniidered in the middle ages.
Everything made of wood came within his province. In the Anglo-
Saxon " Colloquy " of archbilhop Alfric, where fome of the more ufeful
artifans are introduced difputing about the relative value of their feveral
crafts, the "wright " fays, " Who of you can do without my craft, fince
I make houfes and all forts of velTels (vqfz), and {hips for you all?"
("Volume of Vocabularies," p. 11.) And John de Garlande, in the
thirteenth century. defcribes the carpenter as making, among other
things, tubs, and barrels, and wine-cades. The workmanlhip of thofe
times was exercifed, before all other materials, on wood and metals, and